Children's Bingo Cards Free Printable
Jesus Loves Me Bingo reminds children of the ways God shows his love for us. It could be used near Valentine’s Day or any time you are emphasizing God’s love. The 3×3 cards (where you have to get 3 in a row) would work well for kindergarten and above. The 2×2 cards (where you have to mark all 4 pictures) would work well for kindergarten and below.
Download and Print out the 24 free printable Valentine’s Bingo Cards At the bottom of this post, you’ll find the link to download the free printables. A new tab will open up with the PDF and you can either save the file to your computer for personal use or simply print out immediately. A few notes on printing. Bingo Games It's always fun to play Bingo with the kids and these kids Bingo cards are great for all kinds of occasions! Bingo boards for holidays like Christmas and Valentine's, a fun alphabet game and even a printable road trip version. These work great for class parties or just for something to do when you want to have fun with your kids! This bingo game has five different leaves and is a great way to aid children in learning the names of these popular leaves. It's recommended that you print a large photo of each of the types for a calling card to show to children what leaf to look for. Six different boards, two per page.
- Print out the 3×3 cards (PDF) or 2×2 cards (PDF), as many as you need, on cardstock or heavy paper.
- Print out the calling cards (PDF) on cardstock or heavy paper.
- Cut colored paper or cardboard into small squares to use as markers, or provide other markers.
- Fun Printable Camping Bingo for Kids. Our free Free Printable Camping Bingo is a fun game to play on your next camping trip or as a summer bonding experience where you are doing fun camping activities at home. Print our Free Printable Camping Bingo for your next camping trip or family game night. We’ve included 10 printable bingo cards as.
- 3 x 3 Picture Bingo Card. 8 images plus FREE space. 4 x 4 Picture Bingo Card. 5 x 5 Picture Bingo Card. 24 images plus FREE space. 5 x 5 Number Bingo Card. Regular bingo card with numbers to 75.
Directions for 3×3 cards:

- Give each player a card and a handful of markers.
- Have each player start by placing a marker on Jesus in the center square.
- The leader draws a calling card, reads the statement, and holds the card up for everyone to see.
- Each player places a marker on the matching square on his/her card.
- The winner is the first person to get three markers in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
- Dump the markers and start over. Players can trade cards if they wish.
- Prizes are not necessary; kids love learning and playing games just for the fun of it.
Directions for 2×2 cards:
- Give each player a card and a handful of markers.
- The leader draws a calling card, reads the statement, and holds the card up for everyone to see.
- Each player with a square matching the calling card places a marker on that square’
- The winner is the first person to mark all four squares on his/her card.
- Dump the markers and start over. Players can trade cards if they wish.
- Prizes are not necessary; kids love learning and playing games just for the fun of it.